Music Notation × × Browse the Lessons 5-Line Staff Music Notation Tab Notation COMING SOON Conducting COMING SOON Tempo Markings COMING SOON Dynamics Markings COMING SOON How to Read Music COMING SOON Transcribing Music COMING SOON Sight-Reading × × Browse the Lessons My Take on Sightreading Read In Open Position × × Browse the Lessons Sight-Reading middle Cs Sight-Reading Cs Sight-Reading C D Sight-Reading C D (Vid 2) Sight-Reading C D (Vid 3 with tabs) Sight-Reading open treble E Sightreading C D E F with tabs Sightreading C D E F NO TABS Sightreading C D E F G w tabs Vid1 Sightreading C D E F G NO TABS Vid 1B Sightreading CDEFG Vid 2 Sightreading CDEFG Vid 3 Sightreading CDEFG Vid 4 Sightreading CDEFG Vid 5 Sightreading CDEFG Vid 6 Sightreading CDEFG TABS ONLY Vid 6B Reading in 5th Position × × Browse the Lessons C D w TAB Vid 1 C D w TAB Vid 2 C D w TAB Vid 3 C D w TAB Vid 4 C D E F in 5th pos with TABS C D E F NO TABS C D E F G 5th Pos w TABS C D E F G 5th Pos NO TABS CDEFG Vid 3 CDEFG Vid 4 CDEFG Vid 5 E notes on B String Reading in 7th Position × × Browse the Lessons Sight-Reading C D E F in 7th pos w TABS C D E F NO TABS CDEFG 7th Pos w TABS CDEFG 7th Pos NO TABS (Vid2) CDEFG (Vid 3) Reading in 8th Position × × Browse the Lessons Middle Cs 8th pos w TABS Middle Cs 8th pos NO TABS Cs 8th pos NO TABS C D w TABS C D middle 8th pos w TABS C D middle 8th pos NO TABS C D 2 in 8th pos NO TABS C D 8th pos vid 3 NO TABS C D E in 8th pos NO TABS C D in 8th pos vid4 NO TABS C D E F with TABS C D E F in 8th pos NO TABS CDEFG Vid 1 CDEFG Vid 2 Single String Reading × × Browse the Lessons CDEFG Low E String Sightreading CDEFG Low E String Vid 2 Sightreading CDEFG low E String Vid 3 Sightreading CDEFG Low E String Vid 4 C D E on A String C D E F on A String CDEFG on A string CDEFG on A String Vid 2 CDEFG on A String Vid 43 CDEFG on A String Vid 4 CDEFG on A String Vid 5 Sight-Reading Rhythms × × Browse the Lessons Sightreading Rhythms 1 Sightreading Rhythms 2 Sightreading Rhythms 3 Sightreading Rhythms 4 Sightreading Rhythms 5 Tablature Reading Drills × × Browse the Lessons CDEFG 5th pos TABS ONLY CDEFG Open pos TABS ONLY CDEFG TABS ONLY CDEFG TABS ONLY CDEFG TABS ONLY 7th Pos CDEFG TABS ONLY 8th Pos CDEFG TABS ONLY 0pen Pos TABS only 5th Pos TABS only 7th Pos TABS only 8th Pos TABS 5th Pos TABS 7th Pos CDEFG TABS 8th Pos Explore Other Course Categories Music Theory Scales Harmony Rhythm Ear Training Technique Music Styles & Genres Songwriting Rock Riffs & Phrases Improvisation Learn Songs Learn Solos Superstar Results Practice Benefits of Music Study