Intervals × × Browse the Lessons Soloing with 2nds 5 Interval Improv Exercises Unison Lines & Chords Soloing with Triad Shapes × × Browse the Lessons C Triads over C Groove Soloing with Triads in C 1 Stringset C, F & GTriads Over I IV V Groove Triad Substitution × × Browse the Lessons Over V I in C Triad Pair Improvisation × × Browse the Lessons Dm & Em Triads over G7 Dm & Em Triads over G7 G and Db Triad Pairs over G7 Groove Chords in Scales × × Browse the Lessons Solo over C7 Eb7 F#7 A7 (Dim Scale) Explore Other Course Categories Music Theory Scales Harmony Rhythm Ear Training Technique Music Styles & Genres Songwriting Rock Riffs & Phrases Improvisation Learn Songs Learn Solos Superstar Results Practice Benefits of Music Study